Today’s marketplace is complicated. Globalization has changed the world—opening up new markets, sources of supply, regulations and product design—as your strategic sourcing and supply chain department with it’s own engineering staff, Ameritek can help you navigate it.
From innovations in component manufacturing and assembly to reinvention of your product’s position in the marketplace, our sourcing expertise can deliver unique opportunities to compound your outsourcing advantages.
The parts, pieces, assemblies and items we commission vary widely from rubber and plastic moldings, gaskets, stampings, castings to machined parts of every kind.
We’ve produced over 5,300 custom components and ship over 9.8 million pieces annually, and our team of sourcing experts have over 100 years of international supply chain management experience.
Companies partnering with Ameritek achieve tremendous synergies, enjoy increased efficiencies and experience improved cash management opportunities with solutions that are measured based on their ability to produce bottom-line results as well as ROI.
Ameritek’s Quality Process testing and inspection services provide trusted support for product quality and performance so you can bring the best product to market quickly, responsibly, and economically.